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the lore

Welcome to the Lore page, your gateway to the world of Metropius. Dive deep into its stories, secrets, and rich history. Enjoy the journey!

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and cannot be copied or reproduced. Metropius is a registered trade mark.

era one : digging for oil

Metropius was founded when its first settlers struck oil. A gold rush of sorts followed. When  pioneering families heard of what had been found beneath the earth, they came in search of wealth  and prosperity. From all walks of life, at its peak, Metropius flourished with diversity, all united  under a single banner: Metropians.  


Honored as the founder of Metropius is a stout woman named Rose, who is said to have been the  first to discover the oil with her pickaxe, quite by accident. In the eras that follow, numerous  biographies contradict one another as to who exactly Rose was.  

She found an oil unlike anything previously known, hence called Rose Diesel. A potent substance  with unique properties, it allowed the development of efficient, and advanced machinery.  

But as they soon discovered, the oil only held these special properties for a short time out of the  ground. As a result, any attempts to ship and sell the oil away from the blossoming settlement were  a failure. Those who wished to capitalise on the new discovery would have to move to Metropius  and start a new life. 

And come they did. The world’s most ambitious inventors and savvy businessmen. A committee  was formed from representatives of each of the founding families. This committee wrote the early  laws and designed the first structures of the city.  


As mining left the ground unstable, the city grew upwards. Levels were created and civil duties  dispersed evenly and fairly between the tiers of the city. The farmers moved to the upper tier,  which they named the Perianth, where they needed the rain and sun. The secondary industries  occupied the heart of the city with tall upright structures, which they called the Filament.  

The founding families ran each civic duty as a business, trading and selling their services and  goods to one another. As the generations past and Metropius grew, their children took their places  on the committee that would become known as the Board of Directors.  

Metropius was singular in purpose and design: to grow into the world’s greatest, most functional  city. A city of opportunity, where everyone had a place and purpose and a ladder to climb. A beacon of the best and brightest, and it would be an honour to call oneself an Metropian. 

era two : supremecy achieved

With Rose Diesel firmly in their grasp, Metropius blossoms. The city grows and expands, its  inhabitants enjoying a high quality of life. Especially those on the Perianth, who hold the reins  tightly to the supply of food, water and clean air, and profit accordingly.  

Metropius is stable, and with superior technology can hold off any threat of invasion. They have  won the arms race. The vision of the city strove for has been achieved. Metropius, as a machine, is  complete.

It becomes a time of decadence, excess and show. Citizens rush to upgrade to the latest  gadgets, the competing tech companies more than happy to meet demand. But what comes next?  Without direction or purpose, cracks begin to form.  

The city’s population explodes as more pilgrims make the journey in search of fortune. The city  struggles to expand upwards. Mining for Rose Diesel leaves the ground infertile and fragile for  miles outside the city perimeter. Soon, supply struggles to meet the demand and excess. To prevent  a crisis, Metropius closes its borders to any new settlers.  

Tensions between the private companies of the founding families dial up from healthy business  competition to class war. The Perianth settlers, confident in their stranglehold on their resources, raise prices, and the Perianth’s control over the Filament is established. 

Fewer people are willing to work in the mines and perform the basic manual labour necessary to  run and maintain a mechanical city. The city is facing a crisis where soon it could cease to  operate. Companies pitch solutions to earn the contract from the Board to prevent collapse.  

Rose Ministries, formally the city’s incarceration and rehabilitation provider, successfully wins  the right to restore equilibrium to the city, and to provide Metropius with a new identity and goal.

ROSE BANNER_edited.jpg

Their product: The Roses. A new branch of policing and religious order, the Roses are women  styled in the image of the city’s founder. They capture the minds and hearts of the people as  pseudo religious figures, preaching the rewards of hard work, and moving up the ladder of  society. They promise promotions to the Perianth, for those who knuckle down and see this hard  phase through. 

era three : cogs in the machine

Still present in the third era are  those who grew up before the introduction of the Roses. They remember a time when it was just Police Officers who kept the peace. But now, the police force is slowly becoming irrelevant, in the  years after the Roses took power.  

These people remember the time of crisis from which the Roses                      

saved them, and are thankful for. 

These are people grateful for what they have now, and don’t complain. It’s a head down, work  hard attitude, and they know they’ll be rewarded. Things could be worse, after all.  

This is also the first generation of people entering the workforce who have had their aptitudes  tested, their jobs recommended to them, and their lives largely mapped out from them. This is a  generation that faces punishment for not doing their part, for not fitting in, or not holding  themselves to the moral standard set by the Roses. This is the era of cogs in the machine.  

People work hard in the jobs they are assigned, with the illusion of upwards promotion through  arbitrary levels. For example, one may earn a green-level housing opportunity over purple, and  would continue to aim to move to magenta. Competing currencies between the different tiers of  the city, and working out which companies trade in what, make it all the more confusing.  


The Roses have grown more powerful than the Board of Directors expected, with their religious  messages growing in the minds of the people. Where once fads came and went easily, now the  Roses resist, and fight to maintain their own relevance. They too must upgrade and expand in an  effort to remain dominant, and hold onto their contract with the city.  

But the people of Metropius are starting to feel restless. The Roses have too many secrets, and  people are starting to uncover them. The city’s heyday is over. The Perianth, driven to mass  production and pollution no longer has the resource control, nor wealth and quality of life it once  boasted. It remains an ideal for the people to strive for, but the reality is now a lie.  

The people are starting to want their freedom and choice and autonomy, and are willing to push  back against the Roses for the chance of change. 

to be continued...

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